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In this amazing electronics comuunication age, we can become saturated with more information than can be asimilated.

In order to "not saturate" those members of my Email Blast List with too much information, I have now choosen to shift the "NITTY" details of selected published commments by others, as well as other media collected information into a central location which can be made available to all who care review these musings.


The things I hold most dearly are not much different from any other patriotic, red Blooded, freedom loving American:

1. First and foremost, our families, our childred, our grand children and our great grand children and all our posterity thereafter and our GOD.

2. Our great freedoms and the liberties outlined by our most notable founding fathers.

3. The greatest document ever created for governing a free people......The Constitution of the USA and even that has descended from the greatest document ever compiled.....The Christian Holy Bible with its Judeo Christian ethic. And as declared in the Decleration of Independence, "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

I re-iterate what has been said over and again so that those with deaf ears may hear it again and again: certain inalienable Rights are granted by GOD and cannot be removed by governments of Man.

In the end, such arragance by governments to remove or curtail Gods rights will always fail with devine assistance in the pursuit of the truth of these declarations.

This blog will be dedicated to the pursuit of our fundamental Constitutional (God given rights) as revealed and given to the people by and through the wisdom of our founding fathers.

Saturday, January 9, 2010



Here is Martin Niemoller's actual address to the U.S. Congress along with the page in the Congressional Record where it appears.

The exact text of what Martin Niemoller said, and which appears in the Congressional Record, October 14, 1968, page 31636 is:

"When Hitler attacked the Jews I was not a Jew, therefore I was not concerned. And when Hitler attacked the Catholics, I was not a Catholic, and therefore, I was not concerned. And when Hitler attacked the unions and the industrialists, I was not a member of the unions and I was not concerned. Then Hitler attacked me and the Protestant church -- and there was nobody left to be concerned."

Where is the indignation? Where is the outrage? Call him OUTRAGEOUS. Call him PREPOSTEROUS. Call him A RAVING MANIAC. Call him a A NUT CASE. But whatever you call him, he deserves the same God given "AMERICAN" 1ST AMENDMENT right as you, when you call him that!

Ask yourself, WHY and WHEN was the so called "HOMELAND SECURITY" created?

Seems to me it was created after 9/11 to help protect American from foreign and domestic virulent forms terrorist attacks, especially from "radical Islam".

Listen to the link I have provided below and then ask yourself a few honest questions.

On Nov. 15, 2009 a task force composed of NY City Police, U.S. Secret Service Agents combined with Janet Napolitano's so called "HOMELAND SECURITY" agents surrounded and invaded the ATLAH Church of the Reverend David Manning in Harlem, NY for the explicit purpose of detaining and interrogating Reverend Manning for statements made from his Church pulpit and the many tapes he has published with his public disdain for our so called "President", Barrack Hussien Obama.

Questions to ponder:

1. Has the usurping BARRY SOTERO, alias Barrack Hussien Obama, turned Napalitono and her HOMELAND security agents into his private Gestapo investigative arm to harass law abiding American Citizens for his political uses, means and ends?

2. Has the usurper sent his Gestapo forces to investigate the "Reverend Jackson" who publicly stated he like to cut Obamas "You know whats" off. NO! WHY?

3. Has the usurper sent his Gestapo forces to investigate the "Reverend Al Sharpton". NO!

4. Has the usurper sent his Gestapo forces to investigate the really radical Imams and Clerics, who daily in their Mosques around the Unite States spew their dangerous WAHHABISM and death to all the infidels. These are true subversives biding their time and awaiting an event or signal to release death and destruction on the infidels throughout the United States. NO! WHY?

5. Did the usurper send his Gestapo forces to investigate the publicly disturbing statements of radical Islam coming from the mouth of Major Hassan turned murderer and terrorist at Fort Hood. NO! WHY?

I am addressing this epistle most directly to the so called Conservative Talking Pundits, who, supposedly are guardians of our "free speech", which without it they will also cease to exits. If the public hears nothing about this from them, then who will arouse the OUTRAGE that at this moment should be boiling within the hearts and minds of DECENT, GOD LOVING and SUPPORTERS OF OUR FOUNDING FATHERS U.S. CONSTITUTION!!

The STENCH arising from this event should sear the nostrils of all the Patriots.

Will we see it in the NY TIMES? Will we see it in the WASHINGTON POST? Will we see it in the LA TIMES?

Then Hitler attacked me and the Protestant church -- and there was nobody left to be concerned.

Bob Douglas
Alma, Ga.

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