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In this amazing electronics comuunication age, we can become saturated with more information than can be asimilated.

In order to "not saturate" those members of my Email Blast List with too much information, I have now choosen to shift the "NITTY" details of selected published commments by others, as well as other media collected information into a central location which can be made available to all who care review these musings.


The things I hold most dearly are not much different from any other patriotic, red Blooded, freedom loving American:

1. First and foremost, our families, our childred, our grand children and our great grand children and all our posterity thereafter and our GOD.

2. Our great freedoms and the liberties outlined by our most notable founding fathers.

3. The greatest document ever created for governing a free people......The Constitution of the USA and even that has descended from the greatest document ever compiled.....The Christian Holy Bible with its Judeo Christian ethic. And as declared in the Decleration of Independence, "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

I re-iterate what has been said over and again so that those with deaf ears may hear it again and again: certain inalienable Rights are granted by GOD and cannot be removed by governments of Man.

In the end, such arragance by governments to remove or curtail Gods rights will always fail with devine assistance in the pursuit of the truth of these declarations.

This blog will be dedicated to the pursuit of our fundamental Constitutional (God given rights) as revealed and given to the people by and through the wisdom of our founding fathers.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

THIS IS TYRANNY PLAIN AND SIMPLE...Email from Franklin Cloud

----- Original Message ----- From: "Liberty Counsel"
Sent: Friday, January 08, 2010 1:25 PM
Subject: This is tyranny, plain and simple>

Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman> Liberty Counsel>

> What do you call it when a radical minority forces its will> on the law-abiding majority? The Obama/Pelosi/Reid power axis> would have us call it "progressive leadership." The Founders> called it "tyranny."

Read below - Mat.> > Roger,> >

I am not surprised that socialist leaders Reid, Pelosi and Obama> are once again meeting behind closed doors. It is now obvious> they have no intention of appointing a Conference Committee to> openly reconcile the House and Senate versions of ObamaCare.> > That would give the American people, the majority of> whom now reject Obama's vision of healthcare reform,> too much of an opportunity to demand accountability!>

> While campaigning for President, Obama promised that "we'll> have negotiations televised on C-SPAN, so that people can> see who is making arguments on behalf of their constituents."> > Yet Brian Lamb, CEO of C-SPAN, is now bitterly complaining that> his service has been denied ANY access to the crucial meetings> taking place to determine ObamaCare's final form.> >

\ ++Americans are losing confidence in the legislative process> > At every step of the way in ObamaCare's long march through Congress,> the liberal Democrat leaders have used trickery and overt> manipulation to thwart the American people's legitimate concerns> about the socialist takeover of our medical system.> >

Now, on the brink of a bill being presented to President Obama> for signature, we still have NO resolution on:> > * Abortion coverage Americans don't want> * Exorbitant costs Americans don't want> * Mandatory participation Americans don't want> * New federal bureaucracies Americans don't want> * Inequities between states Americans don't want> >

++Our Constitution is being subverted right before our eyes> > Roger, the "checks and balances" our Founders gave> us are being overpowered and dismantled by the Obama/Pelosi/Reid> power axis. Never before has the clear will of the people> been so completely ignored and marginalized.> > ObamaCare is unconstitutional! If Congress has the> power to FORCE each person to have health insurance,> then individual liberty is totally meaningless.> > That's why if a final bill passes that mandates individual> coverage or requires private employers to provide coverage,> Liberty Counsel WILL file suit in federal court challenging> the bill's constitutionality!> >

And that's also why I need tens of thousands of Americans to sign> our Statement of Support for this litigation. We must win this> battle in the courtroom and the court of public opinion in order> to stop this overt socialist power grab!> > Please go here to sign your official Statement of Support:> >> > ++

ObamaCare is being kept out of the light because it is unlawful> > There are MANY reasons why Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi will allow> no one but their closest insiders - and the White House arm twisters,> of course - to see the final bill until they can force a final vote.>

For one thing, its "Tooth Fairy" accounting can't stand up to even> mild scrutiny.> > But the biggest reason is that Congress has NO AUTHORITY to force> its socialist healthcare agenda on citizens and businesses in the> first place!> >

Every version of ObamaCare we've seen so far is unconstitutional> because:> >
1) Congress has NO authority to force every American to> carry insurance coverage, and,> 2) Congress has NO authority to fine employers whose> policies do not have the mandated coverage.> > No matter the desires of certain elected officials, there are some> things Congress just cannot do!

The threat to our liberty posed> by ObamaCare goes FAR beyond healthcare. If Congress can get away> with this expansive power grab, then individual liberty and state> sovereignty will vanish.> > BOTH the Senate and House versions of "healthcare reform" are> patently unconstitutional!> >

Roger, if this monstrous, anti-life, anti-family> healthcare bill passes, it must be strongly challenged in the federal> judiciary from the moment of its birth. With your help, Liberty> Counsel will do exactly that!> >

++ObamaCare deserves the "Mother of All Protests"> > Pro-life and conservative organizations are going all out in the> days before Congress officially re-convenes to express the greatest> protest Congress has ever seen over Harry Reid's, Nancy Pelosi's> and Barack Obama's dirty tricks.> > Americans nationwide are expressing OUTRAGE at this overt> manipulation and total lack of integrity.

Reid, Pelosi and> Obama have proven they will do anything to get this government> takeover of our medical industry.> > Now more than ever, the socialists and abortion advocates need to> understand that WE HAVE NOT GIVEN UP and will resist passage of> ObamaCare to the very end.

Then, if it does finally pass, we'll> SEE THEM IN COURT!> > Here's what I'm asking you to do...> >

#1 - Sign the Statement of Support for our lawsuit.> > We want to deliver hundreds of thousands of these Statements to all> the key plotters behind ObamaCare. Reid, Pelosi, Obama and all their> confederates need to know they're not going to get away with this> travesty! Go here right now:> >> >

#2 - Call your Representative's and your Senators' offices.> > Please... take a moment to call your representative and your two> Senators - at either their local or Washington offices, or both -> and let them know you are OUTRAGED by the way ObamaCare has been> handled.

Let them know you will be supporting litigation if this> unconstitutional bill eventually passes.> > Sen. Chambliss 202-224-3521 (DC Office)> > Sen. Chambliss (770) 763-9090 (District Office)> > Sen. Isakson 202-224-3643 (DC Office)> > Sen. Isakson (770) 661-0999 (District Office)> >

For your Representative's phone number, go to:> >> >

#3 - Pray that this bill will be derailed. Pray for God's deliverance> from being forced to pay for abortions and from the overt deceit and> trickery that has become the norm from the Obama/Pelosi/Reid power axis.> PLEASE keep the heat on, especially now that the socialists have> finally played their hand.> >

And, of course, this litigation is going to be very expensive. Please> prayerfully consider a significant gift to help offset Liberty Counsel's> expenses to mount a major constitutional challenge to ObamaCare.> >

Go here to sign your Statement of Support for litigation against> ObamaCare:> >> > Now is NOT the time to be silent! Join like-minded Americans> who will be putting the plotters on notice that if they pass a final> version of this unconstitutional bill, we will immediately file a> federal lawsuit to stop this power grab once and for all.> >

God bless you,> > Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman> Liberty Counsel> >

P.S. This battle is not over, no matter how much the Pelosi/Reid/Obama> power axis wants us to think that it is. Sign your Statement of> Support for our lawsuit so we can win this phase of the battle in> court and in the court of public opinion!> > And please pray! There is always hope in God! And let your> Senators and Representative know that you WILL hold them> accountable for their decisions on ObamaCare and its outrageous> handling. Once again, thank you for praying and speaking out.> > + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +>

Note: Please do not "reply" directly to this e-mail message. This e-mail> address is not designed to receive your personal messages. To contact> Liberty Counsel with comments, questions or to change your status,> see the link at the end of this e-mail.)> + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +> > + + Comments? Questions?

> >> > Liberty Counsel, with offices in Florida, Virginia and Washington, D.C.,> is a nonprofit litigation, education and policy organization dedicated to> advancing religious freedom, the sanctity of human life and the> traditional> family. Liberty Counsel . PO Box 540774 . Orlando, FL 32854 .> 800-671-1776> > ------------------------------------------->

For Mr. Roger Reeves to unsubscribe,> please send a written request to:> Liberty Counsel> PO 277> Maxwell, IA 50161> > or click here to unsubscribe:> >> > > -------------------------------------------> You are signed up as:> To change your email address click here:>> >

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