
Home on the Farm


Big Bro' Bear


Let's take a walk


In this amazing electronics comuunication age, we can become saturated with more information than can be asimilated.

In order to "not saturate" those members of my Email Blast List with too much information, I have now choosen to shift the "NITTY" details of selected published commments by others, as well as other media collected information into a central location which can be made available to all who care review these musings.


The things I hold most dearly are not much different from any other patriotic, red Blooded, freedom loving American:

1. First and foremost, our families, our childred, our grand children and our great grand children and all our posterity thereafter and our GOD.

2. Our great freedoms and the liberties outlined by our most notable founding fathers.

3. The greatest document ever created for governing a free people......The Constitution of the USA and even that has descended from the greatest document ever compiled.....The Christian Holy Bible with its Judeo Christian ethic. And as declared in the Decleration of Independence, "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

I re-iterate what has been said over and again so that those with deaf ears may hear it again and again: certain inalienable Rights are granted by GOD and cannot be removed by governments of Man.

In the end, such arragance by governments to remove or curtail Gods rights will always fail with devine assistance in the pursuit of the truth of these declarations.

This blog will be dedicated to the pursuit of our fundamental Constitutional (God given rights) as revealed and given to the people by and through the wisdom of our founding fathers.

Friday, January 8, 2010


Review this link into the subversion of our National Sovernty and the U.S. Constitution. Done behind the cloak of darkness in the administration that promised "transparency" to the American people.

You will not find this in the main stream media. Click on the link below:

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