----- Original Message ----- From: "Liberty Counsel" alert@libertyaction.org
To: Blackbeerd@bellsouth.net
Sent: Friday, January 08, 2010 1:25 PM
Subject: This is tyranny, plain and simple>
Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman> Liberty Counsel>
> What do you call it when a radical minority forces its will> on the law-abiding majority? The Obama/Pelosi/Reid power axis> would have us call it "progressive leadership." The Founders> called it "tyranny."
Read below - Mat.> > Roger,> >
I am not surprised that socialist leaders Reid, Pelosi and Obama> are once again meeting behind closed doors. It is now obvious> they have no intention of appointing a Conference Committee to> openly reconcile the House and Senate versions of ObamaCare.> > That would give the American people, the majority of> whom now reject Obama's vision of healthcare reform,> too much of an opportunity to demand accountability!>
> While campaigning for President, Obama promised that "we'll> have negotiations televised on C-SPAN, so that people can> see who is making arguments on behalf of their constituents."> > Yet Brian Lamb, CEO of C-SPAN, is now bitterly complaining that> his service has been denied ANY access to the crucial meetings> taking place to determine ObamaCare's final form.> >
\ ++Americans are losing confidence in the legislative process> > At every step of the way in ObamaCare's long march through Congress,> the liberal Democrat leaders have used trickery and overt> manipulation to thwart the American people's legitimate concerns> about the socialist takeover of our medical system.> >
Now, on the brink of a bill being presented to President Obama> for signature, we still have NO resolution on:> > * Abortion coverage Americans don't want> * Exorbitant costs Americans don't want> * Mandatory participation Americans don't want> * New federal bureaucracies Americans don't want> * Inequities between states Americans don't want> >
++Our Constitution is being subverted right before our eyes> > Roger, the "checks and balances" our Founders gave> us are being overpowered and dismantled by the Obama/Pelosi/Reid> power axis. Never before has the clear will of the people> been so completely ignored and marginalized.> > ObamaCare is unconstitutional! If Congress has the> power to FORCE each person to have health insurance,> then individual liberty is totally meaningless.> > That's why if a final bill passes that mandates individual> coverage or requires private employers to provide coverage,> Liberty Counsel WILL file suit in federal court challenging> the bill's constitutionality!> >
And that's also why I need tens of thousands of Americans to sign> our Statement of Support for this litigation. We must win this> battle in the courtroom and the court of public opinion in order> to stop this overt socialist power grab!> > Please go here to sign your official Statement of Support:> > http://www.libertyaction.org/r.asp?u=23993&RID=22632970> > ++
ObamaCare is being kept out of the light because it is unlawful> > There are MANY reasons why Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi will allow> no one but their closest insiders - and the White House arm twisters,> of course - to see the final bill until they can force a final vote.>
For one thing, its "Tooth Fairy" accounting can't stand up to even> mild scrutiny.> > But the biggest reason is that Congress has NO AUTHORITY to force> its socialist healthcare agenda on citizens and businesses in the> first place!> >
Every version of ObamaCare we've seen so far is unconstitutional> because:> >
1) Congress has NO authority to force every American to> carry insurance coverage, and,> 2) Congress has NO authority to fine employers whose> policies do not have the mandated coverage.> > No matter the desires of certain elected officials, there are some> things Congress just cannot do!
The threat to our liberty posed> by ObamaCare goes FAR beyond healthcare. If Congress can get away> with this expansive power grab, then individual liberty and state> sovereignty will vanish.> > BOTH the Senate and House versions of "healthcare reform" are> patently unconstitutional!> >
Roger, if this monstrous, anti-life, anti-family> healthcare bill passes, it must be strongly challenged in the federal> judiciary from the moment of its birth. With your help, Liberty> Counsel will do exactly that!> >
++ObamaCare deserves the "Mother of All Protests"> > Pro-life and conservative organizations are going all out in the> days before Congress officially re-convenes to express the greatest> protest Congress has ever seen over Harry Reid's, Nancy Pelosi's> and Barack Obama's dirty tricks.> > Americans nationwide are expressing OUTRAGE at this overt> manipulation and total lack of integrity.
Reid, Pelosi and> Obama have proven they will do anything to get this government> takeover of our medical industry.> > Now more than ever, the socialists and abortion advocates need to> understand that WE HAVE NOT GIVEN UP and will resist passage of> ObamaCare to the very end.
Then, if it does finally pass, we'll> SEE THEM IN COURT!> > Here's what I'm asking you to do...> >
#1 - Sign the Statement of Support for our lawsuit.> > We want to deliver hundreds of thousands of these Statements to all> the key plotters behind ObamaCare. Reid, Pelosi, Obama and all their> confederates need to know they're not going to get away with this> travesty! Go here right now:> > http://www.libertyaction.org/r.asp?u=23993&RID=22632970> >
#2 - Call your Representative's and your Senators' offices.> > Please... take a moment to call your representative and your two> Senators - at either their local or Washington offices, or both -> and let them know you are OUTRAGED by the way ObamaCare has been> handled.
Let them know you will be supporting litigation if this> unconstitutional bill eventually passes.> > Sen. Chambliss 202-224-3521 (DC Office)> > Sen. Chambliss (770) 763-9090 (District Office)> > Sen. Isakson 202-224-3643 (DC Office)> > Sen. Isakson (770) 661-0999 (District Office)> >
For your Representative's phone number, go to:> > http://www.libertyaction.org/r.asp?U=23991&RID=22632970> >
#3 - Pray that this bill will be derailed. Pray for God's deliverance> from being forced to pay for abortions and from the overt deceit and> trickery that has become the norm from the Obama/Pelosi/Reid power axis.> PLEASE keep the heat on, especially now that the socialists have> finally played their hand.> >
And, of course, this litigation is going to be very expensive. Please> prayerfully consider a significant gift to help offset Liberty Counsel's> expenses to mount a major constitutional challenge to ObamaCare.> >
Go here to sign your Statement of Support for litigation against> ObamaCare:> > http://www.libertyaction.org/r.asp?u=23993&RID=22632970> > Now is NOT the time to be silent! Join like-minded Americans> who will be putting the plotters on notice that if they pass a final> version of this unconstitutional bill, we will immediately file a> federal lawsuit to stop this power grab once and for all.> >
God bless you,> > Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman> Liberty Counsel> >
P.S. This battle is not over, no matter how much the Pelosi/Reid/Obama> power axis wants us to think that it is. Sign your Statement of> Support for our lawsuit so we can win this phase of the battle in> court and in the court of public opinion!> > And please pray! There is always hope in God! And let your> Senators and Representative know that you WILL hold them> accountable for their decisions on ObamaCare and its outrageous> handling. Once again, thank you for praying and speaking out.> > + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +>
Note: Please do not "reply" directly to this e-mail message. This e-mail> address is not designed to receive your personal messages. To contact> Liberty Counsel with comments, questions or to change your status,> see the link at the end of this e-mail.)> + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +> > + + Comments? Questions?
> > http://www.libertyaction.org/r.asp?U=23992&CID=310&RID=22632970> > Liberty Counsel, with offices in Florida, Virginia and Washington, D.C.,> is a nonprofit litigation, education and policy organization dedicated to> advancing religious freedom, the sanctity of human life and the> traditional> family. Liberty Counsel . PO Box 540774 . Orlando, FL 32854 .> 800-671-1776> > ------------------------------------------->
For Mr. Roger Reeves to unsubscribe,> please send a written request to:> Liberty Counsel> PO 277> Maxwell, IA 50161> > or click here to unsubscribe:> > http://www.libertyaction.org/r.asp?u=23994&cid=310&rid=22632970&f=3045> > > -------------------------------------------> You are signed up as: Blackbeerd@bellsouth.net> To change your email address click here:> http://www.libertyaction.org/r.asp?u=23995&rid=22632970&cid=310> >
Saturday, January 9, 2010
THIS IS TYRANNY PLAIN AND SIMPLE...Email from Franklin Cloud
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